Masak Lodeh ( Mixed Vegetables
In Santan)
Ingredients :
90 gm petai / pungent green beans
250 gm long brinjal / aubergines
(cut into cubes)
250 gm bunga kobis / cauliflower
(cut into flowerettes)
125 gm tempe / fermented been curd
(cut into squares)
500 gm large prawn
250 gm French bean
5 red chillie
s (sliced slantwise)
4 tauhu kuning / yellow bean bean curd
(quartered & lightly fried)
1 daun limau purut / lime leaf
900 ml thin santan / coconut milk
Salt to taste
300 ml thick santan / coconut milk
Ground Ingredients
185 gm shallots
125 gm garlic
2.5 cm dry shrimp
paste (dry-fried)
1 stalk lemon gras
s (finely sliced)
2 slices galangal
1 tbs dried prawns
(soaked and drained)
2 tsp salt
3 candlenuts
1 slice ginger
Method ;
1. Mix the ground ingredients and daun limau purut into the thin santan. Bring to the boil on medium flame, stirring constantly.
2. Add the petai, brinjal and cauliflower. Simmer till brinjal are just cooked.
3. add tempe and prawns. Boil for 2 mins. Add French beans and chillies. Simmer till just cooked.
4. Add tauhu and and seasoning to taste. Simmer till all vegetables are tender and the oil begins to separate.
5. Stir in the thick santan. Adjust seasoning. Bring to the boil once, stirring. Remove pan from flame. Dish up and serve hot.
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